1003 - Lighting in the Smallest of Venues

Season #1

Lighting in smaller venue can be quite challenging, in this episode David will help you in making the right Gear decisions as well some insight on the do's and don'ts for smaller venues.


00:58 Introduction

02:39 What do you need to know when you work in the smallest of Venues?

04:27 What kind of lights do you need to use in a smaller space?

07:24 Recommended lights for small venues or spaces.

14:01 Controls for small venues

21:55 Closing




Chauvet ILS: https://www.chauvetdj.com/ils/

ADJ WMX1: https://aboveavl.com/products/wmx1-lighting-controller-1 

 Light key https://lightkeyapp.com/en

Enttec EMU: https://www.enttec.com/product/lighting-control-software/emu-sound-to-light-controller/

Stomp Light: https://www.stomplight.com

Maestro DMX https://maestro-dmx.limbicmedia.ca/sales-page1642090377010

ADJ Strip Lights: https://aboveavl.com/search?q=adj+strip+lights&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

Stealth Spot: https://www.aboveavl.com/products/stealth-spot 

Stealth Wash: https://www.aboveavl.com/products/stealth-wash-zoom

Eliminator Products: https://www.aboveavl.com/search?q=Eliminator&options%5Bprefix%5D=last


Visit our sites/channels here:

Learn Stage Lighting Gear https://www.learnstagelightinggear.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LearnStageLighting/featured