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3004 - How to not burn out and look after yourself, New Products from DVS and Onyx v4.10
Burnout frequently occurs in the entertainment sector, with excessive work often cited as the primary cause, but is that true?
How can one navigate through this challenging phase and ensure self-care while working in...
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3003 - The Martin Mac Viper xIP, New Fixtures and some cool gear from Mega-Lite
The Cat's out the bag, the new fixture from Martin is a LED version of the Mac Viper! We look at some new fixtures from Ayrton, ADJ, ETC and some innovating gear from Mega-Lite!
00:56 Introduction
01:45 New...
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3002 - From Planning to Execution you shows. New Gear from Martin and Do Hazers really affect your health?
In this episode well be focusing on the Planning and Execution of your shows, we chat about some new Gear and if Chinese fixtures are worth it!
00:57 Introduction/Welcome
01:21 What is our topic for this...
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3001 - New Co-Host, Artificial Intelligence in Stage Lighting and Laser-Source Fixtures
In this episode we discuss some of our videos, AI in Stage Lighting and the industry and why Laser Source fixtures are becoming more popular.
00:55 Welcome, and introducing our new co-host JP.
01:14 What...
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2006 - MIDI vs OSC and what the future holds.
What is OSC and MIDI? How can we use them to make our life and workspace a little easier in the lighting world?
00:58 Introduction
01:16 Today’s Topic
03:37 NAMM and USITT
04:42 What is MIDI and how is...
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2005 - "Testing, Testing. 1,2,3." David's Fixture Testing Process for Learn Stage Lighting Gear Reviews
Testing Fixtures, We dive into how we test fixtures - How we recommend you should test them with or without a console and what we do when reviewing fixtures on our Learn Stage Lighting YouTube...
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2004 - Pew Pew! Let's Talk about Lasers!
Lasers are seen on most shows, let's give you better insight about using them safely, keeping the audience safe - What you need to operate lasers and where to find some training resources.
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2003 - What Do I Need When Looking For a Quote for New Lighting?
What do you need to consider when purchasing gear? In this episode we'll guide you into making the right decisions!
01:19 Introducing today’s topic.
02:16 What information do we need to help you make a...
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2002 - What's the frequency Kenneth!? Wireless DMX explained!
Wireless DMX is such a cool thing to have and to use, but oh boy have we seen some mishaps, In this episode we'll help you to get the right device, and to make the right decisions when using wireless...
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2001: Who is David Henry and Why is He An Expert?
We are back, with double the power as we add a new member, Crystal, to the Podcast! In this episode we’ll be taking it way back to when we started Learn Stage Lighting and some history about why it...
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1004 - Lighting When Your Stage Has No Depth
We often encounter stage that have no depth, sometimes they are extremely wide. How do you make the stage look deeper? In this episode will give you some tips and talk about some products that can help you achieve...
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1003 - Lighting in the Smallest of Venues
Lighting in smaller venue can be quite challenging, in this episode David will help you in making the right Gear decisions as well some insight on the do's and don'ts for smaller venues.
00:58 Introduction
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